Saturday, January 26, 2019

look what happened...

My Paper Whites burst into bloom.
It only took 23 days from planting the bulbs until they flowered.
If you look closely,
 the other two bulbs are getting ready to show themselves as well.

Such delicate, tiny white flowers right in the middle of winter.
Thank you God for these beauties!

The boys, Harry, Gus, and Archie, spent the afternoon with us yesterday.
They played outside with nerf guns and their scooters.
It was a beautiful winter day.
Lots and sunshine and blue skies.
At one point,
Harry appeared at the door saying he had found a bird's egg.
It was under the mailbox in the round slot meant for papers.
I hurried out to see their find.

Sure enough there was a little tiny white egg, unhatched.
On closer inspection, we found two blue eggs that possibly had already hatched.
This had probably happened before winter set in.
Notice that the nest is the shape of the paper slot.

God's world is so amazing.
Flowers and bird nests and tiny little eggs.
These things go on around us everyday.
How often do we stop and look and marvel at His wonders?
I love curious little boys!!!

In other interesting nature news,
I have pink Gerber daisies growing in my garden in January.
There are three of them.
I guess it just hasn't been cold enough to kill them yet.

we were over at David's house on Wednesday night celebrating his birthday.
Lucy was posing holding Red Smith their big ginger cat.
Just when I snapped this pic,
Archie photobombed with Dodger Smalls.
This looks like pure joy to me.
Well maybe not for the cats.

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