Tuesday, January 29, 2019

winter beach

I went down to the beach today.
Every now and then I find myself there,
wandering around...
taking pictures.

The winter beach was...
Quiet, except for the waves rushing to pound on the shore.
It was chilly,
cloudy, waiting for the rain to come.
There were footprints,
but not many.
I didn't see a single bird.
I saw one human.
He was taking pictures like me.
The sun was hiding behind the clouds.
The sea grass was brown.
The swing empty.

I love the winter beach.
The winter beach smells clean and pure.
The sand is pristine.
The winter beach makes my heart happy and glad.
My emotions soar with just a glance of that big, beautiful expanse before me.

Thankful today for God's creation.
For all of the wonderful things He made for us to enjoy.

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