Wednesday, March 20, 2019

happy first day of spring

It must be the first day of spring.
Bubba was able to stand this egg on end on his very first try.
For all who love longer days and warm temps,
this is very good news.
Just think...
Spring and summer are both all ahead of us...
every perfect day.
All the way until October when everything changes again.

Savannah is just beautiful right now.
Most of the tress and flowers are blooming in all of their glory.
The greenest green, the most vibrant pink, pure white, and buttery yellow.
This is God's beauty on display!
What joy it all brings!

I can always tell when my favorite kids have been around.
They happily add their touch to my decor to surprise me.
This is our foyer.
Somehow the Lego whale is perched on the mirror, and,
the balancing hawk has landed on the lampshade which is slightly cocked.
They are funny!

The Harry Potter viewing went well on Friday night.
We got settled in to watch about 7:00 PM
after a delicious meal at Papa's.
Harry, who put off watching the movie for months because of a frightening character,
was pleasantly surprised that the visual depiction of Voldemort
was not nearly so bad as the written description.
We had no gasps of horror, no bad dreams.

Lucy, Harry, and Gus came back on Sunday night.
Archie had an early appointment at the hospital for a quick procedure,
so he didn't get to come.
After ingesting chicken fingers at Spankys
we watched
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,
which is one of my favorites.
Narnia is magic...
Yes it is!
On Monday I took them to Get Air,
the trampoline park
to jump their little hearts out which they did.
Sometime during those stays was when the whale and the hawk became a part of my decor.


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