Saturday, March 2, 2019

exercise the mind

I am so thankful that I love to read.
When I tackled Gone with the Wind as a young girl I knew I was hooked.

I visited my favorite...Barnes & Noble the other day
where I received this book tote for free since I am a bookclub member.
I love this quote.
Reading keeps the brain sharp and the mind occupied well into old age.
My main read is, of course, God's Word.
But I also enjoy other books as well.

Here are my three current reads...

Educated ~ Tara Westover

Bubba gave me this one for my birthday.
It was a complete surprise.
Normally he doesn't pick out my books for me,
He had seen this one advertised and just knew I would love.
He was right.
I couldn't put it down.
It seems to be at the top of every list right now.
If you enjoy true stories of people overcoming tremendous odds to achieve their dreams,
this book is for you!

Last Hope Island ~  Lynne Olson

David and Erika gifted me this book for my birthday.
They know of my love for everything written about World War II.
I haven't read this one yet but here is a synopsis...

"Lynne Olsen is a master storyteller, and she brings her great gifts to this riveting narrative of the resistance to Hitler's war machine. 
You will be thrilled and moved - and enraged, saddened and shocked  - by the courage and steadfastness, human waste and stupidity, carelessness and nobility, of an epic struggle. 
 Last Hope Island is a smashing good tale." 
Evan Thomas

Where the Crawdads Sing ~ Delia Owens

Earlier this week a package came in the mail.
Amanda sent me this book.
She had loved it and wanted me to have the pleasure.
This one is lyrical
The words are so beautiful.
They take me right to the beach and the marsh that I know and love so well.
Another tale of loss and perseverance,
this story will have you in tears.

So, little post on reading.
Being taken away into another place and time.
Of having the pleasure to meet and know another person who struggles and makes it through.
O where would I be without my love of books.
Again, so thankful!


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