Saturday, March 30, 2019

coming back to life

This little moma bird decided to build her nest on our front porch.
She has laid her eggs and is waiting patiently for the arrival of her offspring.
In the fleeting moments that I have seen her,
she looks like a tufted titmouse.
She is very small hence the tiny little eggs.

They don't always pick the safest of places.
We will be in her space watering these flowers.
And in a few days the pressure washers are going to descend.
I will keep it a secret from the boys who will arrive in a little while for our Saturday night supper.
They may not be able to be discreet. 😏
That moma bird likely would choose to move her brood.
Honestly, if she knew what was coming,
That may not be such a bad idea!

A comment from one of my favorite blog readers...

"I am enjoying your continued improvement as evidenced by your blog."

I'm coming back to life just like everything else.

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