Thursday, January 7, 2021

police & gus & the hedgehog

A story to make you smile...

It's Sunday morning.
We gathered together to fellowship and hear God's word proclaimed.
David preached from Matthew about the Wise Men.
Gus helped in the nursery, he loves to in serve that way.
After church,
 fellowship was particularly sweet.
Then off to lunch.
Everybody is starving.

"Are we going to Panera?"
"We'll meet you there."

Panera is very close to where we meet for church.
I'm driving, Gus is riding shotgun.
He is talking nonstop about two finger football.
I am asking all of the appropriate questions.
I'm not speeding, driving erratically, or switching lanes incessantly.
I noticed the policeman in the lane next to me.
Next thing I know I am in the turn lane and she,
(yes the policeman was a woman, but we're not allowed to say that word anymore 😕)
had her scary lights on.
There was traffic on both sides and in front of me.
There was nowhere to pull over.
I'm stuck and I start freaking out!
What should I do?

"Gus, we're getting ready to get pulled over by the police.
If you look behind us you will see a police car with its lights on.
I don't know what I did.
Help me hold it together.
I am going to be very nice and respectful to the officer.
You just be quiet.
God is with us.
We'll be okay."

Finally, the light changed and I pulled into the T-Mobile store on the corner of Abercorn and White Bluff.
Shaking, I rolled down my window and fumbled for my driver's license.
The moment of truth had arrived.

Did you know that your tag expired in May?"
"No, I didn't know I've been driving illegally since May but...
My husband died and his birthday was in May and I never once thought about needing to pay taxes on his car which I drive all the time now."

she was so nice.
She went to her car and was back in a flash.
In her hands was the huge stuffed hedgehog that you can see in the picture above.
She knew that my grandson was scared to death.
She brought him an arm full of love.
I was so grateful for her compassion to me and Gus.
She just warned me and told me to get it dealt with the next day.
I did!

I think Gus saw a great picture of those who serve and protect us.
I hope he always remembers how kind she was.
And he has a beautiful stuffed hedgehog to prove it.

After I stopped shaking, we had a great laugh as I told this story around the table at Panera.


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