Tuesday, September 28, 2021

hello pumpkin

It's Fall!
Time to buy pumpkins and put them on your front porch.
I like the shape of this guy and the curve of his stem.
It is visible to all who walk by my apartment.
I love Fall...
all except that the days get shorter and the darkness lasts longer.
I am astounded at how fast the year has gone by.

"Hold me up Lord, lest I fall."

Since Bubba left me I have been much in God's word.
At first, I could only read tiny portions.
I spent a long time in the Psalms,
I read them over and over.
When David started preaching through the gospel of John,
I felt ready for deeper study.
I grabbed JC Ryle's commentary and just recently added Arthur Pink's as well.
It has been so rewarding. 
I can't wait to get to it early in the morning.
It sets the tone for my day.
The deeper you go the more you learn,
I am so thankful that God is patient with me as I slowly absorb more about what He desires of me.

I am held up by His word.
Without it, I would fall into misery and despair.
By reading truth every day, He enables me to see things from His perspective...
to put my hope and trust in Him.

The times that we live in are scary.
God's word explains why things are as they are.
He is sovereign.
He knows the beginning and the end.
His plans are being accomplished.
Trust Him!

"Hold me up Lord, lest I fall."


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