Saturday, September 25, 2021

house in progress

My house sat idly all week due to the deluge of September
which I wrote about and mistakenly deleted.
I get nervous when I'm working remotely on my computer with Chris.
He is very nice, efficient, and patient.
It's just me.
He knows computers inside and out and I,
well, I barely can do what I do.

I found this gable at my house on Thursday all decked out with maybe
board and batten?
Isn't that what you call those vertical boards?

I wasn't going by yesterday because I had no expectations, 
but, lo and behold, I did and this had happened...

They had started laying the brick.
On the most beautiful blue sky no humidity fall day
they had made this happen.
I love this brick.
It reminds me of the Old Savannah Gray.
I don't have a clue why the bricklayers wore matching shirts.
Maybe they have gotten so accustomed to me taking pictures that they wanted to dress up.

Notice the front porch post.
I think there will be brick under it to hold it up.
I can't imagine why else it would be suspended so far up off of the ground.

I left Herb River Bluff yesterday with my heart rejoicing.
I'm not going by today.
We are having a pool party later this afternoon.
I will, however, stop by after church tomorrow to see how much they have gotten done.


"If God gives you a few more years,
It is not yours.
Your time must honor God.
Your home must honor God,
Your activity must honor God,
And everything you do must honor God.

A man of God


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