Wednesday, April 12, 2023

the things I have to do

This morning as I was leaving to go to the dentist,
I saw a rather large (fat) spider.
Since I no longer have a man handy to call in this situation,
 I realized I needed to handle this myself.

I am not scared of spiders.
I have an irrational fear of lizards,
but spiders don't make my blood run cold.
Feeling brave,
I went out to the garage and grabbed a fly swatter.

As I was walking back in I noticed that the spider was not moving.
She was an easy target.
One quick swat took her out.
But, oh my goodness,
out of her squashed body flew an army of these tiny black things you see in the picture.

Evidently, she was fat and not moving very fast because she was with child,
a whole nursery full of them.
They flew up and started dropping to the floor.
I started swatting them,
Then I ran to get the bug spray and quieted them down permanently.

 I had to leave them there and get to the dentist.
When I came home they were right where I left them.
I know many got away before I took drastic measures.
There will undoubtedly be hundreds of baby spiders in my house soon.

All I could think of was Charlotte's Web, my favorite children's book.
I had killed Charlotte's babies.
I'm racked with guilt.
But I did what I had to do.


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