Monday, September 11, 2023

I'll always remember...

...where I was on 9/ll/2021.
We lived in Fayetteville, Georgia.
Bubba was at work.
My parents had come for a visit.
We were headed to Warm Springs to eat lunch at the Bullock House.
It was a beautiful day,
bright, sunshiny skies bathed in a sea of blue.
After that day life would never be quite the same.
Innocence was lost.
Bad people could creep into our country and do unspeakable acts of terror.
We briefly came together as a country and mourned our great loss.

At that time we could have never imagined our country today...
that in just over twenty years we could have sunk so low into depravity.
My heart broke then and it is breaking now for all that is lost.

Join me in fervent prayer for our country.
Pray for all of our elected officials,
those in authority over us,
those who seek to destroy our beautiful land and all it stands for.
Pray that God would change their hearts and put the righteousness of Jesus Christ in them.
Pray that He would give them wisdom from above to govern justly and fairly.

May God have mercy on us 
as we wait for Jesus to come and take us to be with Him.


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