Saturday, December 16, 2023

back to the tree disasters

After a long day with Archie getting the lights on the 🎄,
after taking him home,
after tidying up and eating dinner,
I turned it on.
After all of the hard work,
I just wanted to sit down and relax with a book and enjoy the glow.
Five minutes later the 🎄 went totally dark.
I tried a few things.
Nothing worked!

I texted David. 
He and Erika came over immediately.
(I think they detected a bit of frustration and a functional panic attack happening)
They quickly got to work
 removing several of the strands of lights that had just been placed on the 🎄.
(They were all working when we put them on the branches earlier.)
After removing several strands and replacing them,
they got it lit up again.

Interestingly, the exact same thing happened to my 🎄 last year.

When the 🎄 was once again shining brightly,
we noticed that the lights on the top half of the 🎄 were much dimmer 
than the lights on the bottom half of the 🎄.
The bottom half was a mass of brightness and light.
The top half was normal.

What should I do with this second disaster?
Start over with all new LED lights which I dislike?
Start over with all brand-new incandescent lights?
Leave it be?

I chose in the best interest of time and money to love it as it is.
It is my first ever mismatched lighting Christmas tree.

I just took the picture below.
I love it!
I finally finished decorating it yesterday.
It's not perfect,
but when my whole family is gathered around loving on each other next weekend,
it will be the most beautiful 🎄 in the world.



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