Friday, March 4, 2011

a day with my lucy lu

I asked her to go shopping with me today.
We needed to buy presents for Eli's fourth birthday.
He's turning on Monday, you know.
Amanda, Jake, and Eli will arrive in Savannah
tomorrow afternooon for a whole week.
I can hardly wait for them to get here.
Anyway, Lucy and I had a lot to do.
Eli wants a Toy Story party.
Lucy was all over that!

First things first, though.
Me..."Lucy where do you want to eat?"
Lucy..."You know grammy...the peanut place."
What five year old wants to go to a steakhouse for lunch?
Not wasting any time, we headed there immediately.
After ordering and horsing down two large yeast rolls, heavily buttered,
we commenced to play seven games of Tic~Tac~Toe.
She won four, the cat got two, and I won one.
Can't figure this out because I taught her to play.

After eating we went to Toys~R~Us to buy presents
and to the bakery to plan a Toy Story cake.
She was a real help and a delight in all of these endeavors.

In the car I play "kids songs"for her on the cd.
Today I was talking to Estelle on the cell phone
and Lucy was whistling along with the music
at the loudest decible imaginable.
Estelle and I got cracked up
because we could hardly hear ourselves talk.
A 5 year old whistler
who loves steakhouses that serve peanuts,
and is riding her two wheeler without the training wheels,
and just got moved into her big queen-sized bed
in her room with the new floor
that we can slide all the way across on.
O beautiful,
little girl....
i love you,

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