Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the house....

is filled with
flowers and laughter.

 in between rain showers,
I got into the
in my dad's backyard.
After cutting an armload
I brought them home and filled up all my vases.
They look so beautiful.

Jake & Eli are vessels of laughter
and they have had me laughing all day.
Eli is constantly asking
about everything.
He wants to know how to spell words
and what words mean.

Tonight at dinner,
I taught Eli how to make and shoot spitballs.....
a skill he can use for the rest of his life.
Bubba and I,
to this day still have 
 spitball fights 
occasionally when we go out to eat.
(we do this very discreetly)

The goodness of the Lord abounds to us
and for that
 we fall down before Him
and praise Him
and worship Him,
He is the giver of all good gifts....

Flowers & laughter to name just a few.

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