Monday, December 31, 2012

the measure of a good year.

2012 is ebbing away...
we are in her final hours and minutes now.
Looking back,
How do we measure that 2012 was a good year?
It has nothing to do with
 how much money you made
or how many trips you took to the far reaches of the earth....
It does have everything to do with your soul.
How much time did you spend in God's word?
Are you more like Jesus now?
Have you grown in Him,
in His ways?
What about your treasures?
Are you storing up treasures in heaven?
How many people have you shared the gospel with?
Maybe strangers,
maybe your own flesh and blood.
Are you praying more
or too busy to pray?
Are you seeking God more
in His word and in prayer?
He desires our prayers and answers them.
Are you committed to your church?
Are you serving there.....
more than at this time last year?
Don't go to church?
Be diligent about finding one that teaches the truth without apology.
We all need to know and hear His word proclaimed every week.
What do you think about...
the glories that await us in heaven,
or the never-ending desires of a sinful heart
that can never be satisfied with the "things" that the world offers?
First and foremost,
I write this to myself.
It has been a rough year,
filled with the trials of life.
It has also been a "growing" year because of the trials.
I hate my sin
and the grip the world has on me.
But I trust in God,
and His word,
and His son Jesus Christ,
and His Spirit,
 to have His way with me....
to mold me and shape me into the person
He wants me to be,
 doing His will and not my own.
"But grow in grace and knowledge
of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. 
To Him be the glory both now and forever."
II Peter 3:18

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