Tuesday, December 11, 2012

looking for the "new normal"

Things have changed.
It is cold and dark outside.
I am struggling to find the
"new normal"
with my dad and his life in the nursing home.
He was days before being discharged to go home.
He was walking (unsteadily) on his own.
His mind was sharp (for 89).
I brought him books from the library.
took him to the dollar store,
out to breakfast,
and to his various doctors.
Needless to say,
in the last three years we had grown close.
He could certainly be exasperating,
but we had a comradery.
The last time we went out
 he took a terrible fall
onto the pavement of the street.
Now, almost two weeks later, he seems to be declining.
The thing I've always enjoyed so much about my dad
is that we could talk
about anything and everything.
The Bible,
the stock market,
the great-grand children.
When I walked in yesterday,
he was sitting in his wheelchair.
He looked at me and said this....
"I've forgotten everything."
I cried all the way home....
God have mercy.
Thankful in all things and praying!


Allison Stroud said...

I have been praying for you, dear friend. This broke my heart. I am asking our sweet Abba to hold you in his arms tonight.

Cathy Cleland said...

Thanks Allison...
so good to hear of prayers coming my way.
I love the pictures of your "winter wonderland." It all looks so beautiful.
Merry Christmas to you.