Saturday, April 22, 2017

friday night at the movie

This is a little seen room in our house.
First floor,
Two recliners,
Big screen TV.
That's about it.
It is a bedroom with a closet and an attached bath,
but we use it as a place to relax,
a place to hide the TV.
a place to read.

Lucy, Harry, Gus and Archie spent some time with us.
In the evening, we watched the movie "Sing" together.
They have to get "comfortable,"
which requires the bringing in of all things soft and comfy...
stuffed animals, 
sleeping bags,
and my lovely paper lantern from my 50th high school reunion
for an added touch of ambiance. (Lou-♥)

My place to sit and watch is there in the chair with Gus snuggled close.
He may get emotional at sad scenes so...
we sit close so that I can comfort him if that happens.

Of course...a couple of fights broke out.
Lucy and Harry both wanted Granddaddy's army issue sleeping bag.
I told Lu that the chair was more comfortable but....
they still needed to have their time on the floor
snuggled in the down stuffed bag meant for Arctic conditions
on the hottest day of the year so far.

We had pizza for supper,
found a huge abandoned bird's nest in the garage,
and played several rounds of Ocean Bingo.
I got out David's antique Lego's for Harry and Archie to play with.
Had to stop that when Harry filled up the bathroom sink to the brim
to see if his creation would float. 😒
(It did)
We had ice cream sundaes while watching the movie
as an added treat.

Children are the best!
They keep me young and happy!
Who cares if one spills his sundae all over my chair.

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