Saturday, September 14, 2019

a great view of tybee

So thankful today that another potential storm turned out to sea rather than coming for a visit.
Our barrier islands are so vulnerable to the wind and the rain.
Would be a blessing for all of these tempests to miss us this year.
We love our little quirky island.
So many memories, 
so much fun!
This is an interesting shot taken from above.

Today is a cooking day for me.
Tomorrow is Harry's birthday and he has given me his requested menu...
Broccoli chicken casserole served with herbed rice,
Corn on the cob,
Yeast rolls,
and for desert, Chocolate Surprise!
Yes the boy loves to eat and He is turning twelve so that is very normal.
We will party after church about 4:30.
I have games too with prizes, and gifts to open.
I hear there is even going to be a light saber fight to the death.
Must have most all of the prep done today.


Bubba is watching the Dawgs while I work.
He is living his best life when they are playing.
He loves college football more than he love college basketball,
but not by much.


This is my new game...
The Inchworm Game.
These colorful worms will be moved along by blowing on them with a straw.
Could be wild.
I'll let you know who wins.

Oh by the way...
these pink nesting mixing bowls from Williams Sonoma
 make me very happy when I'm cooking.
Just thought I would throw these in.
If you want to be a happy cook,
get some soon!


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