Monday, September 9, 2019

take time to be thankful

I'm doing this so much more often than I used to.
Getting older has a way of balancing your life... 
of making you stop to smell the flowers,
to look at the birds,
to stop and make time to be thankful.
Having a serious illness has these benefits as well.

I've always been a bit of a frenzied soul.
Working hard to make everybody else happy at the expense of my own well-being.
God didn't create us to take care of the masses.
He made us to find our rest in Him.
To sit at His feet, to worship Him.
He designed us to seek Him and let Him direct our thoughts and our motives.
He sends souls our way and nourishes them through us
when we take time to learn His ways,
Only then can He use us to be a blessing to another.

He wrote a book for us and He expects us to read and study and imbibe His words.
From it we derive strength and power to do life His way.
There is nothing more important.

He wants us to live in a constant state of thankfulness.
What He gives is what we need and nothing more is required.
It is all His.
What He bestows on us is given because of His great generosity.
God is a giver.
"He has given us everything we need for life and godliness."

So, often now, I sit and recall His blessings.
A long life, 
an amazing journey,
Heaven ahead with all of it's joys.
Time and my ink cartridge 
won't permit me to name all of His benefits that He has lavished upon me.

❤️Take time to sit at His feet and learn His ways.

quote & picture ~ Elisabeth Elliot

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