Thursday, September 19, 2019


The heat and humidity finally broke today.
Stepping outside was pure joy.
There is nothing like a touch of fall in the air after the intense heat of a Savannah summer.

I was sitting in my car this morning talking to Amanda.
(In Georgia you cannot hold your cell phone and drive at the same time)
Of course I would never give up a chance to talk to my daughter,
so I pulled to a stop and put the windows down.
Pure heaven...
two of my favorite things.
Talking to my daughter about life as we know it
and enjoying the cool breeze blowing my hair all around.
Thank you Lord for this sweet blessing.

Bubba and I are getting ready to host a dinner party Saturday evening.
Harry's birth father is coming all the way from Mexico.
We will be entertaining him and some other friends from our church.
Lots to get ready for but I am so excited.
The weather will facilitate outside activities for sure.
Other than grilling some yummy steaks we may even play,
what else?
Lawn darts!

One more thing,
Our one solid week beach vacation is inching closer and closer.
I am beside myself.
Went to Barnes and Noble this morning to stock up on beach reads.
Be still my heart!
I cannot wait!

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