Monday, September 16, 2019

and harry turns twelve

This boy loves his birthday!
He chose this pose for his "before the presents are opened" shot.
Everyone knows that feeling of euphoria!
Seems as if his face was bathed in a pool of sunlight.
That's alright!
He had on a huge smile.

So, guess who won the light saber fight?
We, the audience, were amazed and awed by the skills and moves these boys possess.
They had practiced to perfection.
Dancing all over the yard...
they managed to avoid a hit for the longest time.
They were all winners!

...the winner was...
He planned this jousting event and he won.
So proud of all of them.
Lots of cheering from the audience.

He got some really cool sun glasses and put them right on.
I love all of these poses he strikes.
This boy is growing up fast...too fast.

Happy Birthday Harry, 


6th grade.
Loves to eat.
Runs like the wind.
Legos are his passion.
Sits on the front row in church with his friends.
Fishes off the dock before church services starts with a new birthday fishing pole.
Is doing drama this year...can't wait for the first show,
Still gives Gram his best hugs.
I love you Harry!!

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