Wednesday, October 9, 2019

a pink lizard & my two front teeth,

I'm scared, really scared, of lizards.
They make my blood run cold as ice.
I don't know why I'm so scared of lizards...
have been since I was a child.

The other day after dinner I was in our bathroom decorating for fall.
I opened the linen closet and noticed a flash of what looked like a lizard.
"It can't be," I thought. "Lizards are green not pink."
I went to get a can of insect spray and a fly swatter.
"I will tackle this myself," I thought.
Bubba was watching the Braves game upstairs and that wasn't going well.

On the way back to the bathroom with my weapons I chickened out.
"I can't do this.
What if I miss and it goes scurrying away 
and I have to wonder for the rest of my life in this house where he is and what he is doing?"

I crept quietly up the stairs to tell Bubba my predicament.
He is up like a shot from his chair and his game to come and rescue me from my tiny dragon.
He told me to leave immediately and I did...
I went to the backyard to put some water on my flowers.
He took care of everything quickly.
The pink dragon is gone for good.
I can breathe easy.

My two worst fears for this situation and why I ultimately decided not to handle it myself...

1.  He gets away and I don't know where he went and I have to live not knowing where he is and when I will see him again.

2.  He procreates in this house and produces more and more pink lizards and they are everywhere and I cannot sleep for fear that they will crawl on me or jump out at me in unexpected places.

I hope he didn't already reproduce!
I have no idea how he slithered into our bathroom closet.
I have to believe that he was the one and only one.
I am very thankful for Bubba's willingness to intervene in this very stressful situation.

I looked this up and found out that he is actually an albino lizard.


This post went long and I have to save my two front teeth story until another day.

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