Thursday, January 2, 2020

kylo ren's lightsabar

So, in the big box in the center of the floor was this...
Kylo Ren's Lightsaber.

The sights and sounds of this lightsabar couldn't be more realistic.
Everyone was excited,
but there was one face that lit up more than any other.
It was David's.

When David was growing up he lived and breathed Star Wars.
He had quite the collection of toys.
He had figures and stuffed animals and even a lightsabar,
but nothing like this.

Someone else was impressed too.
Bubba struck a pose and looked quite authentic except for his normal clothes.
Kylo Ren wore black robes and a black mask.

I had hoped that the kids would be able to run around outside after dark playing with this exciting gift,
but Savannah had a deluge of rain that lasted two and a half days.
They had to be content on the back porch.

The magic of Christmas through the eyes of a child!
The magic of Christmas through the eyes of grown men remembering when they were little boys.
The excitement of a gift given a few days before Christmas with a promise of Santa arriving with more gifts on Christmas Day.

 Christmas is Magic!
It's hard work but it's magic and it's worth every bit of the effort.


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