Tuesday, January 21, 2020

three words to live by

Find yourself a proven source...
a place to run to when you have questions,
when you need answers,
 when you want to be enlightened,
encouraged, challenged, amazed, assured.
A place to go when you are discouraged, worried, lonely, heartbroken, defeated,
filled with anxiety, or afraid of what lies ahead.
For me this place would be my Bible,
God's word.
This book that God gave to us has all the answers you will ever need for life.
Demand to know God's truth,
It will set you free.

Live in beauty every day.
Beauty surrounds us.
Just look around.
You will see it in God's creation.
The sunrise, the sunset.
A bright blue sky.
The sun, the moon, and the twinkling stars.
The varied colors and shapes and sounds of the changing seasons.
The trees and all of the exquisite flowers.
The deep blue ocean and the winding rivers.
Birds outside your window.
A painting in your house.
The smiling faces of the ones you love the most.
Look for beauty everyday...don't stop until you find it. It's everywhere.
Then take time to stop and thank God for all of the gifts of beauty He has lavished upon us.

God made light on the first day of creation.
He knew how important light was to life.
There would be no life without light.
I love the light that shines into our home in the morning and in the afternoon.
Light is warm and cozy and life-giving.
It makes everything better.
I cannot wait for longer days of light to come.
Jesus is the light of the world.
Jesus gives light wherever He goes.
Jesus' truth brings light and life into our souls.
I love this verse...

"Every good and every perfect gift is from above, 
and comes down from the Father of lights,
 with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
James 1:17

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