Wednesday, January 1, 2020

auld lang syne ~ for old times sake

Yesterday was New Year's Eve.
It was a beautiful start to our celebration.
The sun was shining brightly and it wasn't too cold.
It was just right.

It's the way the sunshine comes in the windows that thrills my soul.
That white chair is where I read my Bible and pray.
It feels like home to me.

I love, love, love to create beautiful spaces.
It's one of those things that well up in my soul to do.
Comfortable, cozy, colorful,
filled with light.
A perfect place to dwell.

We kept this meal simple.
We got some chipped bar-b-que from Jim and Nick's.
I made potato salad and baked beans.
The grand boys love this meal.
For dessert I made from scratch butterscotch bars.
They were delicious with that after dinner cup of coffee.

After dinner the kids opened their gifts...
snorkeling masks for our upcoming cruise.
We are all so excited.
Every time we get together we talk about this adventure that is soon approaching.
They also got a bag of batteries for their Christmas toys and, of course, sparklers.
Then we went outside and had fun welcoming in the New Year with fire in our hands.
Pictures of this part of the celebration commence below.

 David took the Star Wars Light Sabar into the yard and had some fun.

This made for some spooky images of which this is one.

And lastly,
back into the house for butterscotch bars and coffee.

Gus is going through a phase of not only not wanting to smile,
 but also not wanting to even look at the camera. 
I't okay though. I still love him!

Happy 2020 to all of my faithful readers.
Here's to the best new year ever!
Love to all, 

Auld Lang Syne means "for old times sake."
It is a Scottish song.
It is by Robert Crawford Burns
(a little bit of trivia)


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