Friday, January 10, 2020

when lucy brings me a gift... makes my heart skip a beat.
On New Year's Eve she was the first one in the back door.
She said, "Hey Gram, this is for you."

The gift was many different things wrapped up with a ribbon and festooned with flowers.
She made me these potholders.
I had asked for them.
I had given her a kit for Christmas just for that purpose.
They are the perfect size and weight.
I am so thankful for them.

The flowers were camellias.
They have a yard full of  bushes.
They are so beautiful.
I went to find my little vases and put them on display.
Here is one of them.
Flowers make me feel so loved!

And here is the best.
She made me a skirt for our cruise.

Isn't it just so perfect!
Bright, tropical colors just like I like.
She made Erika one too.
Now we will have matching skirts on our cruise.

I love this teenager to the moon and back. 
She is a real keeper...
the best granddaughter a Grammy could have.
I ❤️ her!

I'm so glad for the blessing of having grandchildren.
They make getting older such a prime time of life.
Your gifts to me from these kids are too numerous to count.
God I thank you so much!!

By the way...
Do you ever feel that we don't have words adequate to praise our God?
I sure do.
Our praise and worship will be unhindered in heaven.
What a joyous time that will be.
Praises unfettered by sin.

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