Saturday, May 29, 2021

fighting fear to get here

I used to hop into my car and drive to Lenox Mall in Atlanta without batting an eye.
Now, getting in the car and driving to the grocery store scares me to death.
The fact that I drove myself to downtown Savannah yesterday to the Veritas last day of school presentation constituted a major accomplishment on my part.

I had, the night before, after much soul-searching, decided not to go.
"I can't do it," I told myself.
Case closed.
After making that decision, David texted...
"Mom, are you going to the concert in the morning?"
"Walter wants you to hear him sing his song."
Without hesitation, I texted back, "YES."

Okay, now I have to go. 😓

It wasn't easy.
I made my way safely to the school.
fought the myriads of cars and horse-drawn carriages,
navigated the side streets looking for a place to park,
stopped for countless pedestrians walking out into the street without looking,
and, mercifully, slid easily into a perfect parking place.
I remained calm while figuring out the "PAY TO PARK" machine,
Walked carefully to the school,
and thankfully lowered myself in the pew to await the music.

Thank you Jesus for using Walter to give me the courage to go.
2020 -2021 was a unique school year with much to celebrate.  
I was so glad to be there.

@ a little boy who helped his Grammie overcome her fear.


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