Wednesday, July 28, 2021

the best of times

I'm just home from an extended stay with my family in South Florida.
I am exhausted but filled with memories to last a lifetime.
More about my trip later when I get my thoughts more coherent and ordered.
Until then, this...
when Bubba was with me,
 I used to dream about us buying a motor home and touring the country,
taking at least a year to see every part of our great land up close and personal.
Lingering in the best places,
watching the sunset in every venue,
soaking up the culture,
eating the best food!
I would, in my dream have a laptop computer.
I would blog every day.
I would write about all of our adventures.

Real-life is we never did that trip,
I don't have a laptop,
I cannot blog on my phone.
no blog when I'm away from this big monstrosity that sits on my desk.

I probably should give a quick blurb when I'm not going to write for a while,
but I don't usually like to advertise when I'm vacating my house.
It's good to be back.


ps... going out to buy some food 
and see what's been done on my house 
and then home to finish unpacking and take a long nap this afternoon.

It looks like I could almost move in.



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