Friday, January 28, 2022

heading to 74

I'm writing this now because Teri and Keith are coming in from California this afternoon.
I will be visiting with them the next few days and
 then there's the closing and
then there's the move-out and
  then there's the move-in and 
then there's the setting up of the new house
 and maybe (probably) I won't be able to write during some of that time.
And, of course, I will be without my computer for a couple of days.

So, here I am at almost 74, doing what I love most of all...
taking pictures and designing houses.
When I was 22 and just getting married,
 I could not have even fathomed being this old.

I have my moments.
Some kind of pain is a constant companion.
I go somewhere to get something and forget what I went for.
I turn out the lamp and go to sleep at 8:30 pm.
I wake up way before first light.
I have been a widow for almost two years.
I am still reeling from Bubba's sudden death in front of me.
I'm just now becoming able to process what happened that day and sort it out.
God, my family, and my close friends have seen me through this nightmare.
Being with more than one person at a time makes me want to run for cover.
(crowds of people make me crazy)
I don't like to drive at night but I don't want to give it up either.
I need magnifiers to read everything.
Making a phone call and talking on the phone is extremely hard and stressful for me 
to the point that I just don't do it anymore.
After cancer and radiation treatment,
I was left with several really debilitating mouth issues.
This phone thing makes me sad and I'm so sorry!
I do text and enjoy having that option.
I only wear comfortable shoes.
I love to organize things.
I communicate best by writing.

That's me at 74...
I do my best, 
guard my tongue and my heart,
 accept my frailties,
 and trust my God and stay in His word.
Praying for all of you is my daily delight.

I am well aware of my immortality.
Jesus could come to get me at any time and I am ready.
But I also love my life and my people and the blessings God has bestowed upon me.
A life well lived and then to die well, 
happy and content in my Savior.
that is my goal.
"For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Philippians 1:21


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