Friday, January 7, 2022

i am awed by this blessing from Jesus

I had to run some errands yesterday morning.

The time to be reunited with my wallet was running out, but I hadn't lost hope.

David and I were going to wait till today to start the process of doing what needed to be done.

When I came home and sat down to check my computer,

 I had an e-mail from my State Farm Agent.

He had gotten a call from the MP office at Hunter Army Airfield.

They had my wallet in safekeeping at the police headquarters there.

That was about one o'clock yesterday afternoon.

I called to see if I could come get it.

He said yes..."I will call the front gate to alert them that you will be arriving soon."

I couldn't get through the gate without my military ID which was in my wallet.

I sat down and cried...

tears of joy and thanksgiving,

of knowing that Jesus had done this for me.

He had heard all of our prayers and safely returned my wallet to me.

It was completely intact, nothing was missing or in disarray.

I still don't know where I lost it or how it came to be in the hands of the HAA police.

I will never know the details.

Jesus sent someone to find my wallet and take it to a safe place.

I've added this person to my prayer list and he/she will be prayed for daily.

I would have gladly given a reward, but prayer is better I know for sure.

Thank You Jesus for hearing my prayer and answering it as You always do.

This was a perfect example of Your watch-care over me and over all of the tiny little details of my life.

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