Tuesday, February 22, 2022

this is very random I know but...

I love stuff like this.
I've been grounded from unpacking boxes because of a nasty cold.
Maybe I've been looking at my phone a little bit more than normal.
I've traveled almost all of these interstates.
Bubba and I always lived for the next road trip.

Here's the explanation that came with...
Those interstates with two digits traverse the entire country.
If they end in zero they run east to west.
If they end in 5 they run north to south.
The three digits are bypasses and contain the last two digits of the interstates they bypass.
That's it.

I have one question...
Why is there no interstate 50 or interstate 65?
I think there is an interstate 65 between
Montgomery, Alabama, and Chicago, Illinois.
Bubba and I traveled on I 65 many times headed to 
Moody Bible Institute.

I'm better!
Feel like getting back to work.
My family takes such good care of me.
I'm so thankful.


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