Wednesday, November 30, 2022

christmas tree ~2022

Here's to Bubba who I missed remembering yesterday.
He passed from us on the 29th
How I wish he was here to put the lights on my beautiful tree.
There are so many things I miss about him.

The Friday after Thanksgiving,
early in the morning,
Amanda and I were at Hester's nursery.
We had stalked them all week.
"When exactly are your trees arriving,"I asked.
"Wednesday or Friday," the nice man said.
They hadn't arrived by Wednesday evening so we knew it would be Friday.

I was the second person to buy a tree that morning.
Amanda spotted her propped up and said,
"I see it already."
Sure enough, I knew in my heart that was the one!
It was the perfect size and shape.
It was delivered that very afternoon.
The young men put her in the stand and got her standing straight and tall.
She is right in the middle of my sunroom,
just where I envisioned her from the day I moved in

That was Friday afternoon.
Today is Wednesday.
Still no lights.
That's okay.
She's beautiful just as she is.

I got myself sick with a bad sinus infection
and I haven't felt like tackling the lights.
But hey, It's still November.
I'll get it done!

I threw in a fresh wreath as well for my front door.
Christmas is coming!


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