Tuesday, November 29, 2022

every once and a while...

...blogger decides that it doesn't want me to post.
I sat down on Friday afternoon
 after the Hollinsworths left for home 
to share our Thanksgiving pics and I was shut out.
The routine is to call my computer guy and then wait for him to get back to me.
That happened this afternoon.
I'm back up and running and he cleaned up my computer as well.

Anyway, a little late, above is our 2022 tablescape.
I went whimsical this year.
There were only the five of us.
It seemed only fitting.

The food was delicious.
Our normal turkey and dressing meal with all of our favorite sides.
I look forward to these tastes all year.

Me and Jake and Eli posing after dinner.
Notice my orange walking shoes.
I'm not sure what that is in Eli's mouth.
 It looks like one side of his upper teeth are falling out.
I 🧡 these boys!

After we rested and ate Mark's famous pumpkin pie,
we went to Isle of Hope and walked around and took some pictures.

When we came home,
we played "Gobble Bingo" for money.

It was a lovely Thanksgiving.
We did something fun every day.
I love cooking with Amanda and making everything look beautiful.
I'm so blessed and so thankful for my blessings.


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