Friday, November 11, 2022

mother/daughter duo

Well, in spite of hurricane Nicole, 
we managed to pack a lot into a short visit.
Amanda is going through an incredibly busy time of life.
She and Mark have a home business.
They have two very active teenage boys.
They are very involved in their church.
They travel a lot.
It's not easy for her to pull away.
I am always so thankful when she can come and spend a few days.

I must admit that Nicole slowed us down a bit.
She was here for a while blowing and giving us lots of rain,
but we are never at a loss for things to do.

I like early morning talk the best.
She and I are up very early and at our best in the morning.
That's when we share our hopes and dreams and plans.

Last night I cooked us a steak dinner and we watched a favorite movie.
Perfect night!

She left at eight this morning and I just got a text that she is home.
I am always so thankful to know that God kept her safe.
I've spent the day washing clothes and sheets and dishes and watching the rain.
Yes, Nicole is still making her presence known.

The most important decision we made this time was...
where I will put my gorgeous Christmas tree in my new home.
I will reveal that nugget of information at a later time.

I get lonely a lot.
When she comes I feel better.
Daughters are a very special gift from God.


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