Tuesday, August 22, 2023

the wonder of the written word

I have always loved books.
To read is to be transported to another place ~ another time.
It fills countless hours with wonderful adventures. 
Characters that you are introduced to at the beginning
become best friends by the last page.
I feel sad when a book ends
I want more.

I've been working in my library in the attic.
When I first moved into my new house,
 I unpacked my books and shelved them in no particular order.
At some point, I put them in alphabetical order by author.
This time I have perfected my work.

Biblical books are on one side,
fiction and non-fiction on another.
Some are shelved by topics ~ some by genre.
I have cookbooks and how-to books and decorating books.
Books to identify birds and gardening books.
So many!
I haven't done my classic children's books yet.

My attic doesn't get too hot so I can work in the summer.
Early mornings work best.

My favorite book is the Bible.
There is never a day I don't soak up the truths there.
I love historical fiction,
anything to do with World War II.
Weather disaster books.
I like biographies of Bible characters.
The whole Bodie and Brock Thoene selection.
All of Herman Wouk's books,
And many more.

The Biblical books side.

The secular side.
I'm not done yet...still much to do.
I love to sort and organize.
Needless to say...
I 💗 ðŸ“š


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