Tuesday, August 13, 2024

as grief subsides...

...memories fill the void.

I have been a widow for over four years.
All I have now are the memories we made.

I am so thankful for my excessive picture-taking through the years.
They are here on my computer.
Some days I scroll through them and remember our life together.

I never thought it would end.
We were blessed.
It was Bubba and Cathy.

We weathered lots of storms and we climbed many mountains.
Who knows what we were talking about here.
To lose a spouse is to lose a constant companion.
Nothing replaces that loss.

It has caused me to seek God fervently and depend on Him to fill my heart with joy.
He has.
It's a daily battle requiring much time in His Word and much prayer.

waiting to see you again Bubba.


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