Saturday, August 3, 2024

I started writing this yesterday...I'm finishing it today

Does this verse not totally thrill you this afternoon?

I am sitting here at my computer getting ready to write this post
surrounded by thunderstorms coming from every direction.
They are loud and striking close.
They make me wonder, "How does God do that?"
We see evidence of His power in the storms,
but what keeps them from setting the whole earth on fire and burning it up?"

(I just got a text from David,
A house in the neighborhood next to me got struck by lightning.
I heard the close sirens.
So scary!)

 back to the Bible verse.
God gave us His Word so that we can know Him,
But  His Word says,
"God's greatness is unsearchable.
Psalm 145:3
We can only know God on this earth as He has revealed Himself in His Word and creation.
In eternity we will search His wonders forever and ever.
God will be an endless fount of wisdom and knowledge.
There will be no sin to hold us back.

Until then we are thankful for what we can know in this life.
That's why our Bibles are ragged and torn and all marked up.
We are searching to know more and more about our awesome God.
In heaven our knowledge will be perfect.
Oh, what a promise.
What a day that will be.


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