Wednesday, August 21, 2024

plotting my attack

I hardly ever use the front door in my house.
Most everyone including me comes and goes through the garage.
One day last week I decided to go that way to get my mail and check on my flowers.

Before I opened the door I saw him...
a black snake,
extremely long and skinny,
enjoying my front porch,
happy and content.

I stood there for a moment and then,
started plotting my attack
First, I will get my camera because I want a picture of him for my blog.
Anything for a picture!

A peek out the window assured me he was still there.
I stealthily opened the door,
stepped out,
got my shot, 
and came back into the house.
When I looked again he had moved up a bit.
Okay, he's on the move.

I remembered that Bubba always killed snakes with a shovel.
That's what I will do!
When I got to the garage I decided on a kid-size hoe with a short handle instead.
That will give me more control.
When I got back to the front door he was gone.
Thankfully, I wouldn't have to kill him and haul him off.

Now that I know he is out there though,
I am afraid I will encounter him and he will bite me.
Fear of the unknown!
He is always in the back of my mind when I step outside.

Does heaven have snakes and lizards?
I hope not!


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