Monday, August 5, 2024

bullseye (I wrote a second post on today's blog)

Monday morning dawned dark and breezy with light rain.
Debby is a bizarre storm...
I really don't know what to expect but God controls the storm.
In Him I will trust and send up my prayers.

I am tempering my extreme "There's a storm coming" excitement with a huge dose of reality.
This could be catastrophic in so many ways.


It's been raining steadily all day.
It's 3:00 pm now and the winds have started gusting.
Very humid outside.
Very much a tropical storm.
I still have power.
For that, I am so thankful.

Most of Savannah shut down at noon today.
They are encouraging people to stay home and avoid the flooded streets.
More clarity is needed on whether the storm will stall over our town 
or move up into South Carolina.
It's kinda beautiful right now.
I really do love storms.

The tornado sirens started going off at 4:30.
Just got an alert on my phone that there is a tornado warning in my area.
It is very still right now.
Praying that the Lord will watch over us tonight in Savannah.


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