Wednesday, June 10, 2009

getting brown

Jake and I spent two hours at the pool this morning.
Temps in the nineties and no clouds mean that our skin is starting to brown up.
Between the morning swims and the afternoon swim lessons we should be turning pretty quickly.

An observations from the pool:

One word....tattoos. Everyone has one.....most have hundreds. It is such a sad sight to see what these people do to their skin. They seem to be proud of them too. I find it bizarre to say the least.

I mentioned my eye problem the other night. The manifestation in my sight is a wavy line that is present and makes the words and lines take on a hill and valley sequence. A very strange sensation. The enigma is that my vision is so good that I don't need prescription lens. I am praying that it will get better and not worse.

As we all do, I have things in my life that are sin to me. Some things that I think I need and cannot do without. It seems I always fail when I try to deal with them and go back to my old ways.

Why is it that way? Because it is easier to give in to temptation than it is to be obedient to God's word.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4: 7&8

This takes work Christian. Notice the strong verbs in this passage......
submit - resist - flee - draw near.

This is the sequence that works and I need to remember to practice and practice. Just like the children are practicing their swimming everyday.

One thing He taught me today.....if you fail....get up and try again. Tomorrow is another day and His faithfulness is new every morning.

Pray for me please for I am weak and vulnerable.

cathy....standing in need of prayer

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