Monday, February 6, 2012

look at the birds

If you take stale bread down to the beach to feed the seabirds,
and if there is nary a bird in sight......
if you throw a piece up in the air,
a bird will appear out of nowhere to pluck it up.
Before you know it,
there are ten or twenty birds
tussling over each small morsel.
The really fast birds
catch theirs before it even has a chance to hit the ground.

Where do they come from?
How do they know we are on the beach with food?
I do not know,
but it happens every time.

Last weekend,
Lucy and I saved the crusts of our pizza,
which I love the best,
so that we could go down and let the birds have one more frenzy.
There is something innately exciting about being
in the midst of a bird frenzy. 

When the bread is gone,
the birds disappear
back wherever they came from
to wait for the next
humans to come to the beach with
stale bread or pizza crusts.

"Look at the birds of the air,
for they neither
nor reap
 nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly Father feeds them." 
Matthew 7:26

1 comment:

Allison Stroud said...

This verse means a lot to me, especially during this time of raising support. I know God cares more about me than the birds and they are always provided for! Thanks for sharing :)