Friday, March 15, 2013

a parody on being sick

I have been sick since Sunday afternoon.

After getting past the "denial" stage,
you know...
"this sore throat is really just all in my imagination,"
Of accepting the fact that I NEED a doctor,
that I will have to take another antibiotic
which causes other sad woes,
after all of this I can say it,
"I Am SICK Again."

In sickness,
my life becomes encapsulated into itself.
My day revolves around my medicine.
There are seven of them.
What can I take when that will cause me the least discomfort?
Poor Bubba has been back to the pharmacy twice to get it all straight.

I can't be far from the Kleenex box.
I am constantly thinking about what I can eat...
nothing tastes good.

Being cut off from the world,
quarantined so they say,
the computer becomes my lifeline...
I check every few minutes 
to see what new and exciting 
has been revealed on 

Naps become essential.
Then comes the guilt.
I told Bubba this morning that I thought my life was passing me by.
He assured me that I was alright, that things would get better.
He is so dear to bear with me.

All that to say...
I bought that sign in the picture above on one of our trips recently.
"Happy Easter," 
all cute and glittery.
I mustered the strength to hang it yesterday.
I was so proud to have gotten that done.
I looked at it and thought....
"Just perfect."

Last night Bubba said to me,
"Cathy, did you notice that there are three "P's" in Happy?"
I hadn't noticed.

Being sick also renders me brain dead.

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