Friday, August 9, 2013

always read good books

Found this picture of my girl
and just thought I would
Priscilla of Tyrone
was a very good cat indeed!

In my early read this morning
I found this verse....

I am continually with You,
You hold me by my right hand.
You will guide me with your counsel,
and afterward receive me to glory.
Psalm 73:23&24

This Psalm is a contrast of the
 wicked and the righteous.
It is a good one to read 
when you look around and think 
that the world is prospering and you are not....
when you doubt God's goodness 
and care for you.

a word that starts a turnaround.

 I am continually with You."
The righteous one is always with God.
God never leaves or forsakes His own.

And, He is not only always with us,
"He holds me by my right hand."
It is a sign of intimacy and closeness when
you hold a person's hand.
The God of the universe holds your hand.
So comforting.

"God guides us with His counsel."
What is that?
God gave us His word to read and study.
He tells us everything we need to know from life until death
right there in the Bible.

And afterward,
"He receives me to glory."
How marvelous is that?
After holding our hand and guiding us through this life with His counsel,
when that is over,
He ushers us into glory (heaven)
to live eternally.

What a verse!
It has thrilled me all day while packing our stuff to move!

God is in control of everything,
He never ever makes mistakes.

I know a little girl who needs to hear this tonight
and rejoice!

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