Monday, August 26, 2013

living in a glass house.....

....with sheets for curtains.

As usual,
when one moves into a brand new house,
there are no window coverings.
Being the modest girl
that I am,
I insisted that the bedroom & bath windows be covered.
Bubba obliged me,
even though he  really didn't see the need.

Not wanting to take them down every morning,
I decided to make them pretty
with bows.
Now there you go...
making something beautiful out of
nothing at all.
(Its my Hodie in me)

White Quilt
If you look closely you can see it on the bed.
This quilt is new,
I love it.
I put it on Saturday morning.
On Saturday afternoon
Lucy, Harry, and Gus came over to see what we had gotten done.
Of course, they all wanted to try out the new bed.
They left two little dirty footprints
on the white quilt.
It washes you know.
I would rather have two little dirty footprints on my new white quilt
than all the money in the world.
A home is to be lived in
 and provide comfort
 and joy
 and love,
not museum artifacts.

The sun shines in the window
 over my shoulder as I write just now.
I love my new writing spot.

It is already getting dark
so much earlier.
Summer is drifting away.
it is always summer in my heart.

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