Sunday, April 28, 2019

lucy & baby jack

Lucy loves babies more than any person I have ever seen
This baby is named Jack and he goes to our church.
He is seven months old.
Every time I see Lucy she is toting Jack around.

This morning I didn't want to get out of bed.
Me and Sally and Liz had spent the last three days getting ready for Lindsey's baby shower.
It was so much fun but,
I'm just not used to working all day without a rest.
I really wanted to pull up the covers and snuggle in...but I didn't.
Church is so important to me.
It lifts me up out of whatever pit I might have gotten myself in.
I couldn't not go.

When I arrived I saw Lucy coming toward me.
She wasn't carrying Jack,
but she was carrying a tiny bouquet of jasmine.
There is a jasmine bush in her backyard and she had picked some just for me.
The smell of jasmine,
even just a little bit, permeates the air.
It is a wonderful spring delight that just sticks around for a little while...
One of God's perfect gifts.
I have it here on my desk while I am writing.
I ❤️ Lucy so much!

Lindsey's shower was lovely.
We had lots of pink roses and crystal and silver.
Lots of love to go all around.

Lindsey & Charlotte Bell.

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