Monday, April 8, 2019

the rest of the story

This morning dawned Monday,
the day that the pressure washer guy was due since he didn't come on Friday.
For me, Mondays are usually work days.
I change the linens on the bed and do all of the other laundry,
not to mention cleaning the bathrooms and vacuuming the floors.
I am strange I know, but I love to clean.
Fresh is best!!

The time was set at 8:30 again.
Of course they didn't show up on time.

Now, I am married to a man who stands by the letter of the law on time issues.
(Bubba has never, not one time, ever, been late to anything.)
At 9:00 the pressure wash guy was still not here.
I am using this time to wait for "the wrath of Bubba" to hit.
It did but I dodged it by being on the phone talking to Amanda.
(She called just at the right moment)
Bubba has no conception in his mind why anyone would ever be late.

Luckily, the pressure washer guy did arrive by ten.
I have no idea what Bubba said to the lady on the phone,
but the pressure washer guy bogeyed on out here and saved the day.
Bubba left for the morning and I could finally get to work

Our huge concern was the big pot of plants sitting on the front porch.
Remember I told you that MAMA bird choose that spot to build a nest and lay a bunch of eggs.
Very inconvenient!
The pressure washer guy was so nice.
He graciously offered to move them, planter and all, to a safe spot.
He said that the Clorox used in the cleaning may have serious negative effects on the
 fledgling family of birds and the plants themselves.
(Of course)
Clorox kills everything!

Long story short...
It is 4:30 in the afternoon of this Monday.
The outside house is beautifully clean.
The windows are sparkling.
The walkways and the driveway are white as clouds.
The planter is back on the porch and the MAMA has been back to the nest.
I got all of my housework done in a timely fashion.
So glad this story had a happy ending.


Funny antidote...
The time thing is so ingrained in me after 49 years of marriage
 that even if I try, I cannot be late.
I think this is a bit of a curse.

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