Saturday, September 5, 2020

exploding heads and other things

My Plumbago is overflowing the cast iron pot.
I think it is so beautiful in all of its imperial blue splendor.
It makes me happy and thankful.
No matter what's going on in our country right now,
my backyard is a sanctuary.

My friend cut my lawn this morning.
I asked him if 3 weeks was too long to go between cuttings.
He said no.
For that I am glad.

I'll file this one away under the heading...
"Things I have learned since Bubba left me."
There is a reason he always bought short hoses.
I decided right away that I would replace all of the short hoses with long hoses...
really long hoses.
175 foot long hoses.
Hoses that I could water everything in the yard with.
Big mistake!
I cannot manage 175 foot long hoses.
They get the best of me!
I bought two 175 foot hoses and got rid of the 50-foot hoses.
Sometimes I amaze myself with my level of stupidity.

Today I cook. 
I love to prepare a good meal every now and then.
Our family has always been a family who loves to fellowship together over food.
The last time I made this pot roast it looked just like this except it was in a pot
which I placed in the oven at 350 degrees.
Two hours later I began to smell something burning.
When I checked the roast in the pot in the oven I discovered,
much to my dismay,
that I had not added any liquid at all.
I'm being very careful today.
At least we learn from our mistakes.

This is my theory...
when Bubba died so suddenly my head exploded.
Six months later it (my brain) is trying to knit itself back together.
It's taking a long time but I am patient.
I will keep doing what I love and wait it out.
Maybe one day really soon I'll be back to normal again.
Who knows,
I may be an even better version of my old self.

 This is my own personal emoji.
Lucy designed it.
I have a whole range of "Cathy heads" to choose from.
This one conveys perfectly what I was explaining earlier about when my head exploded.

@getting better
@finding my humor
@learning new things
@trying not to let stupidity rule!


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