Wednesday, September 2, 2020

when i purchase rustic pink roses...

...when I bring them home and arrange them in my grandmothers's antique vase,
when they bow their heads,
they don't ever get thrown in the trash.
I flip them over to dry and then hang them in various places around my house.
I almost like them better this way!

A few blogs ago I told you that I was thinking about slipping away for a week or two
over to Hilton Head to sit in front of the ocean.

That was before two more of my teeth crumbled away.
( a result of radiation)
Yesterday I went to the dentist to start my treatment plan.
The cost amounted to about what I would have paid for my retreat.
So there will be no beach for me this Fall.
Maybe, if someone cancels, I can retreat to our little condo at Tybee.
That doesn't look good though, because our little condo at Tybee has been rented non-stop since May.
Crowns are super expensive!
Oh well!
At least I didn't have to have a root canal!!!

When I got home from my harrowing time at the dentist,
 I was greeted with a home fire alarm beeping.
Just two weeks ago, 
if you remember, 
David had replaced all nine of the batteries 
so that I wouldn't have to worry about them going off 
and me having to get up on a ladder in the middle of the night to replace.
In my stupor and pain from the dental work
I spent about twenty minutes trying to determine which fire alarm was beeping.
Of course, it was upstairs.
I got the ladder and a new battery,
climbed up,
replaced the battery,
which caused it to start wailing at such a high decibel that my ears were hurting.
It wouldn't stop wailing no matter what I did.
So, I proceeded to pull that sucker out of the ceiling
leaving the wires dangling.
I figured,
I have seven more smoke alarms in the house in case of fire.
After that, I went and laid down for 30 minutes to collect myself and deal with my deadened and painful mouth.
I'm just so thankful this didn't happen in the middle of the night!


Moral of the story...
I miss having a man around.
End of story.


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