Wednesday, September 9, 2020


It is a rainy Wednesday here in Savannah.
I'm sitting at my desk in my bedroom enjoying the storm outside of the window.

I have been busy today.
I'm starting to go through Bubba's library.
Every time he read a book and liked it he would buy a copy for me.
He liked to reread the good ones and he knew that I marked my books up.
That's how we ended up with so many duplicates.
I am narrowing down to one copy of each book to keep and giving the rest to David.
He will sell some and keep some for himself.
I am nowhere near finished with this task.
Thankfully, I am enjoying it!
The ones above are the keepers.

I came across these three books that are thrilling to me.
Ever since Bubba died I have been reading everything I can find about heaven.
I am almost finished with the first one.
God's Spirit is really ministering to my heart through these books.

At some point, I will probably move from this big house that I love so much.
I am starting the paring-down process.
Thinking about downsizing and all it will entail.
I have to start somewhere.
Now is the time.

Books make me happy.
I will keep a lot of them.
Reading on a rainy afternoon is the best!!



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