Friday, September 25, 2020

singing in the shower

This is another song we sang at Bubba's funeral almost seven months ago.
I love it so much.
He did too.
I would hear him singing it in the shower quite often.


I read Psalm 103 several times this morning just letting it soak into my soul.
Bubba used to quote the first few verses to me all the time.

"Bless the Lord, 
O my soul;
And all that is within me,
Bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget none of His benefits."
Psalm 103: 1~2

I miss Bubba so much.
Some days much more than others.
Today I need his understanding, his support, his wisdom, his counsel.
I need his arms around me,
His hand holding mine,
His smile,
His love.

Today the loss of my husband feels mind-numbing.
I'm trying really hard to "live in the light of all the love he left behind."

*song by matt redmon


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