Wednesday, February 8, 2023

first glimpse

This is the beautiful sight I saw when we finally emerged from the traffic chaos.
Our home for the week.
We had made it with time to spare.
We would board the beautiful ship "Celebration."
We would sail in spite of basically ignoring the traffic advisory.
This was the side of the ship our room was on.
We were very close to the front...
practically under the bridge.

The first Carnival photo.
Taken as soon as we boarded.
Do we look frazzled?
I have no idea why Amanda's hair looks multicolored.
Maybe caused by the traffic stress?
When you finally step foot on the ship all anxiety seems to melt away.

Welcome Cathy and Amanda 
was on the screen of our TV when we walked into the room.

Our room # was 14231.
Before we went to our real room, Amanda took us to room # 14321.
She had the right floor but the wrong room number.
She got upset when our keys were not waiting on us.
Looking again,
we saw the mistake and then found the right room with no more trouble.
(women without men)


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